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Godzilla vs. Kong — 1-minute Movie Review
I liked it and…
A movie can be both stupid and good at the same time. Some movies are actually supposed to be that way. “Godzilla vs. Kong” is one of those.

First the bad. Or in this case, the stupid. If you watched “Friday Night Lights” the TV series, you know that Kyle Chandler is one of the greatest living actors in the universe. He was sort of in this movie. He was one of the many humans who sometimes said or did stuff that had something to do with responding in some way to the fact that fucking Godzilla existed and could show up at any time in a town near you (maybe SPOILER ALERT? But I really don’t know what they were doing). Anyway, Coach Taylor appeared in the first act and I’m pretty sure had some dialogue. Then he returned every half hour or so to literally phone in observations as he watched the action on TV. I counted two pieces of dialogue from him in the second act, and they were — “What the hell is that?” followed twenty minutes later by — “Where are you?” Seriously. That was pretty much his role.
Okay. So, the people aren’t the stars.
But on the other hand, if you want to see a movie that takes GenX and late Boomer nostalgia for giant monster movies and pro-wrestling (I mean back when it used to be awesome because the participants would choke you out for real before they…