I love "Jaws." In fact, I'm still cleaning up from the annual Jaws pool-party we held in my backyard last night. My one qualm with this article, however , is calling it a "perfect" movie. Part of the enduring charm of this movie, a movie which, like many people, I have seen dozens of times, is it's many peculiar flaws.
These flaws come, almost entirely I think, from the young director going over budget and difficulties of filming on water. The problems are peculiar editing decisions which create some strange continuity issues. There are a few, but some of the most glaring are - 1) losing track of the body count and not counting poor Ben Gardner as a victim moments after Hooper sees his severed head. 2) The dropped dialogue to explain whatever Hooper meant during Chrissie Watkins autopsy, "This is what happens...." And my personal favorite, 3) the very dramatic "Your turn, Quint!" when Hooper risks a clear shot to attach a flashy, beepy thing to the barrel. We see it throughout the rest of the movie, flashing and beeping away, but it's never mentioned again. Quint's turn for what?
I'm certain Spielberg was aware of all this, but being low on time and money and probably just missing the shots needed to make all this make sense, it all stayed in the final cut.
The movie is so good, however, that all these things just become part of the charm.